Saturday, July 21, 2007

Garage Saturday

Have you ever seen one of those garages that is so full of stuff that there is no way a car or two could ever use it? Welcome to my world, until today. We spent the day emptying it, sorting it and cleaning it. Long exhausting day but we had great weather, sunny and blue with a little breeze. I found lots of "art" supplies that I had been gathering for the last several years, fabric, paints, found objects, parts, you name it. I kept wanting to start all kinds of new projects, but managed to stay on task, lol.

I don't think I know how to work on one project at a time, and I don't think this is in my best interest. I can't seem to finish any one project, because I'm constantly being distracted by all the other projects, books, cooking, kids, yadda, yadda, yadda. I think I need to start making a list of what I want to accomplish each day, art and non-art priorities and see what I can achieve. The ideas always feel so wonderful when they come, even better when I start working on something I've imagined, but somewhere along the way, I lose my commitment due to distractions. So new mission for me, complete the projects(how many can I reasonably juggle?) each week, with a list to help me stay on track and on task. How hard could it be? And still, I wonder, is it ok to abandon art projects? Do we owe it to ourselves to finish and keep working at it until it is something we love? Visual journaling makes me think that adding layers until it is something to love is a good thing, but would you rip out a page that 10 layers later was still not what you wanted? I like a fresh start personally, but when I see 30+ abandoned projects around here and there, time to think about this a little more.

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