Tonight, my 12 year old son was in a play at school, Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors. All 6,7 and 8th graders in the production, with only 3 eighth graders, the rest were 6th and 7th graders. They did such a wonderful job, can't believe that kids can put on this kind of production, with practices only twice a week, for two hours. My son was Aegeon, the father. And thinking about how Shakespeare had such a gift for language, creating phrases that are still used to this day, what an artistic legacy. Do I want to leave any kind of legacy? I used to think so, but now I just want to be art and help all my friends and family find artistic outlets for themselves. Maybe that is kind of a legacy in itself. Check out the photo of my son and the cast, he is the one in the bright red squared vest.
Oh Ricky You're So Fine...Man, That's Awful.
I recently began following Ricky Gervais on Facebook, and discovered that
he is a passionate animal welfare advocate. I already knew him as a
10 years ago
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