On a whim almost, we decided to take a road trip to see my brother, Al, who lives in Alpharetta, Georgia, just outside Marietta, which is just outside Atlanta. The drive was simply spectacular, blue skies and sunshine all the way down. We saw beautiful landscapes, starting with an incredilbe brilliant fuschia and orange sunrise over Cadillac, Michigan, then lush, newly green sprounting fields in Ohio, lovely, hilly horse farms throughout Kentucky and then those cool rocky carved walls along the Tennessee highway, which you can see with your headlights, since it was dark by then. In Ohio we drove by Traders World, a ginormous flea market kind of complex, and all over the roof were giraffes and other strange things you just don't seen on roofs. In Cincinnati, Ohio, we saw The Ascent, an unbelievable piece of architecture, just stunning. We got in around 2 a.m., exhausted but feeling great. Today we plan on exploring some of downtown Atlanta and reatively. enjoying the warm weather, who cares if it is raining, everything is GREEN! I'll have to post photos after we get back home...
Traveling always makes me feel like creating something new. There is always something that I haven't seen, smelled or heard before. All my senses get a new perspective on possibilities and seem to trip over themselves in my head. A million new ideas start leap frogging over each other, trying to get my full attention and intention...beads, jewelry, seweing, mosaic, garden, cooking, decorating...just not enough space to catagorize it and save for later. So I end up scribbling ideas onto receipts, napkins and empty wrappers, lol, just getting them out seems to help. If I'm lucky, I have one of my idea journals on hand, but alas, not yesterday. I do love to road trip, the adventure as I live it in the moment, and then all the creative adventures that come after!
Oh Ricky You're So Fine...Man, That's Awful.
I recently began following Ricky Gervais on Facebook, and discovered that
he is a passionate animal welfare advocate. I already knew him as a
10 years ago
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